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Tomoko Yokota

VMC Global ™ Certified Trainer Japan Representative

Tomoko Yokota is a pioneer of Japanese drum circle facilitators. He studied under Arthur Hull in 2004 and deepened his learning through his training. We actively connect with facilitators in each country and work together. We are devoting our energy to building a community that is physically and mentally healthy, sharing the joy of making music together, overcoming cultural and language barriers.

She was invited to the 1st Asian Rhythm Facilitator Conference in Malaysia to present a drum circle for prenatal and postnatal women. In 2016, at the 3rd conference, we introduced the original program "Oto no Scenic" that incorporates melody into the rhythm. In May 2018, at the Daily Dose of Music symposium held in Vancouver, Canada, a participatory improvisational session for the elderly was announced. We continue to convey the power of rhythm with the concept of healing the mind, regaining the courage to live, and connecting with people.

It creates a circle of rhythm that extends from kindergarten to university, and students and students with learning disabilities also participate in that circle. It has also been successful in the medical and welfare field for working mothers and their children, the elderly and pregnant women in long-term care facilities. As part of corporate employee training, we also hold drum circles for the purpose of reducing stress.

Tom Tom makes use of his experience as an electone player to naturally fuse melody and rhythm, expanding the circle of rhythm / music, which is a universal language.

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