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Village Music Circles ™

What is Village Music Circles (VMC)?


Village Music Circles
What is Village Music Circles?


Founded in 1980 by Arthur Hull. Abbreviated as VMC.


What is VMC theory?


This is the basic theory of drum circle facilitation that is being developed around the world.



What is the VMC Global Team?

It consists of 32 certified trainers from 22 countries around the world who will pass VMC theory to the next generation. (as of 2020)


What is Village Music Circles?

What is Village Music Circles?

Village Music Circles ™ (VMC) was founded by Arthur Hull in 1980.


Arthur Hull is a pioneering drum circle facilitator.

He created the concept of a drum circle facilitator, laid the foundation for modern drum circles, and based in the United States, has conducted drum circle facilitator training in Asia, Europe, and other parts of the world. As of 2016, there are over 10,000 students from 25 countries.

They have traveled the world using music and rhythm to connect, support and form communities. Spreading a grassroots movement of people of different cultures and backgrounds, from corporate executives to children in harsh environments, from small groups to groups of thousands, from babies to the elderly, guided by Arthur's wit and humor. , sharing joy across cultural and language barriers.
In 2017, 16 people from 11 countries around the world, and in 2020, 16 new
We have selected people and certified 32 VMC Global Trainers from 22 countries around the world as of 2021. Certified trainers can now train in their home country using the VMC protocol.

What is VMC Theory?

What is VMC theory?


The VMC theory is the basic theory of drum circle facilitation developed all over the world.

VMC is the acronym for Village Music Circles ™ (Village Music Circles).

the map.png

The drum circle philosophy established by Arthur Hull is based on the idea that the facilitator is "teaching without teaching" and that the participants are "enjoying the rhythms and sounds of the moment". It is to guide you so that you can create while

Freed from the constraints of "playing correctly and well," participants can relax and surrender to the rhythm, transcending barriers such as language, culture, and the presence or absence of disabilities.
​ These ideas are summarized in  VMC theoryIt is the basic theory of drum circle facilitation that is being developed around the world.

What is VMC Global Team?

What is the VMC Global Team?


Global VMC Certified Trainer Global Team

Figure 1.png

The drum circle facilitator training by Arthur Hull is called a "play shop" (training to play happily), and as of 2016, the number of students has exceeded 10,000 in 25 countries. Arthur selected 16 trainers from 11 countries in 2017 to pass on his teaching theory (VMC ™ protocol) to the next generation. And in 2020, 15 new trainers were born from the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, etc.

Certified trainers not only train in their own country, but also share information as a global team and develop playshops around the world while interacting with each other. There is active interaction between trainers, such as the invitation of British trainers to the German play shop, Korean trainers to the Indian play shop, and American trainers to the Japan play shop.
This playshop is accredited as a continuous renewal credit for music therapists, social workers, etc. in the United States, and as a counselor, clinical psychology class compatible credit at Chapman University, California. In addition, the remarkable progress made by the establishment of the global team is the remarkable progress in the Italian education world. The Italian government has approved a playshop scholarship, and from 2019 school educators will be able to attend the playshop free of charge.

This is a picture of a VMC certified trainer spread all over the world.

Full of Smiles

~ Photo collection ~


Photo collection full of smiles

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