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Experiences in Intensive training

After intensive training

©VMC Global Japan

~A Week of Discovery~


ドラムサークル インテンシブ研修2023は私にとって、この経験は深い発見の旅でした。


Downer Ian(ダウナー イアン)




私がドラムサークルに出会ったのは、地元で療法的音楽活動を行なっている先生に誘われて参加したのがきっかけでした。そこでは、VMCグローバル™認定トレーナー日本代表の横田友子(トムトム)さんがファシリテーターをされており、会場が一体となる ・・・続きを読む











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「ドラムサークルって存在は知っているけど、どこでできるの?」  研修に参加する前はドラムサークルという言葉は聞いたことがあり、興味はありましたが、そもそも、いつどこで誰が行っているのか、どうやって参加すればいいのか、など全く知りませんでした。  ・・・続きを読む




~ What remains in my heart ~


Working at a general facility for children with intellectual disabilities, I came across a drum circle (hereinafter referred to as DC) while searching for activities in which each person can play a leading role, no matter how severe the disability. I felt that this might be the case, so I took intensive training in 2014 and 2015.

For the five days that passed like a rage, I felt like I just enjoyed the experience on the small island of the Seto Inland Sea, but the things I learned with my body seemed to be firmly engraved, and the drawers were opened from time to time. Every time, there are still new discoveries.

I'm sure it's easier to understand if you talk about the training content in detail, but I'm not going to write it here because it's a shame that the fun will be halved when you actually participate. What I noticed during the training, and what is still warmly lit in my heart, is "connection" and "small sounds are important sounds". Even if it's a small sound, it's always connected to somewhere in the circle, and when you take it out, it's playing very nice music, which is so moving that it brings a sigh to the whole circle. Also, the road that follows with a small sound as a clue (I'm frustrated that I can't say it concretely, but it doesn't mean a road, but broadly and broadly) is very exciting.

One of the most frequently asked questions during the five-day training was "Why do you do DC?"

It is important to learn the skills and DC as a facilitator on this question, and I always ask myself to connect with each participant, not the facilitator's selfishness.

Another thing that remains in my mind is "KISS (Keep it stupid simply)". Although it is a preparation for facilitation, this word is a very important guideline for me in my daily life and in the workplace. Even if you feel that the problem is very difficult, if you replace it with a simple one and think about it again, there are scenes where the road is opened or it is transmitted to the other party, and it seems that DC is infiltrated on a daily basis.

Initially, there was a specialized part where people with disabilities were the protagonists, but when I noticed, everyone, both people with disabilities and supporters, was the protagonist, and they were on the same level as behind the scenes that supported each other. I am. Master Arthur Hull was not in a high place, but on the same level as us, and enjoyed learning and discovering together. Every time you take each piece of training out of the drawer, it gives you new discoveries.

Now, from "This may be ...", I'm thinking "Let's go with this".

Yuka Mitsumori / Hokkaido

Occupation: Welfare facility staff


~ What remains in my heart ~


Working at a general facility for children with intellectual disabilities, I came across a drum circle (hereinafter referred to as DC) while searching for activities in which each person can play a leading role, no matter how severe the disability. I felt that this might be the case, so I took intensive training in 2014 and 2015.

For the five days that passed like a rage, I felt like I just enjoyed the experience on the small island of the Seto Inland Sea, but the things I learned with my body seemed to be firmly engraved, and the drawers were opened from time to time. Every time, there are still new discoveries.

I'm sure it's easier to understand if you talk about the training content in detail, but I'm not going to write it here because it's a shame that the fun will be halved when you actually participate. What I noticed during the training, and what is still warmly lit in my heart, is "connection" and "small sounds are important sounds". Even if it's a small sound, it's always connected to somewhere in the circle, and when you take it out, it's playing very nice music, which is so moving that it brings a sigh to the whole circle. Also, the road that follows with a small sound as a clue (I'm frustrated that I can't say it concretely, but it doesn't mean a road, but broadly and broadly) is very exciting.

One of the most frequently asked questions during the five-day training was "Why do you do DC?"

It is important to learn the skills and DC as a facilitator on this question, and I always ask myself to connect with each participant, not the facilitator's selfishness.

Another thing that remains in my mind is "KISS (Keep it stupid simply)". Although it is a preparation for facilitation, this word is a very important guideline for me in my daily life and in the workplace. Even if you feel that the problem is very difficult, if you replace it with a simple one and think about it again, there are scenes where the road is opened or it is transmitted to the other party, and it seems that DC is infiltrated on a daily basis.

Initially, there was a specialized part where people with disabilities were the protagonists, but when I noticed, everyone, both people with disabilities and supporters, was the protagonist, and they were on the same level as behind the scenes that supported each other. I am. Master Arthur Hull was not in a high place, but on the same level as us, and enjoyed learning and discovering together. Every time you take each piece of training out of the drawer, it gives you new discoveries.

Now, from "This may be ...", I'm thinking "Let's go with this".

Yuka Mitsumori / Hokkaido

Occupation: Welfare facility staff


~ What remains in my heart ~


Working at a general facility for children with intellectual disabilities, I came across a drum circle (hereinafter referred to as DC) while searching for activities in which each person can play a leading role, no matter how severe the disability. I felt that this might be the case, so I took intensive training in 2014 and 2015.

For the five days that passed like a rage, I felt like I just enjoyed the experience on the small island of the Seto Inland Sea, but the things I learned with my body seemed to be firmly engraved, and the drawers were opened from time to time. Every time, there are still new discoveries.

I'm sure it's easier to understand if you talk about the training content in detail, but I'm not going to write it here because it's a shame that the fun will be halved when you actually participate. What I noticed during the training, and what is still warmly lit in my heart, is "connection" and "small sounds are important sounds". Even if it's a small sound, it's always connected to somewhere in the circle, and when you take it out, it's playing very nice music, which is so moving that it brings a sigh to the whole circle. Also, the road that follows with a small sound as a clue (I'm frustrated that I can't say it concretely, but it doesn't mean a road, but broadly and broadly) is very exciting.

One of the most frequently asked questions during the five-day training was "Why do you do DC?"

It is important to learn the skills and DC as a facilitator on this question, and I always ask myself to connect with each participant, not the facilitator's selfishness.

Another thing that remains in my mind is "KISS (Keep it stupid simply)". Although it is a preparation for facilitation, this word is a very important guideline for me in my daily life and in the workplace. Even if you feel that the problem is very difficult, if you replace it with a simple one and think about it again, there are scenes where the road is opened or it is transmitted to the other party, and it seems that DC is infiltrated on a daily basis.

Initially, there was a specialized part where people with disabilities were the protagonists, but when I noticed, everyone, both people with disabilities and supporters, was the protagonist, and they were on the same level as behind the scenes that supported each other. I am. Master Arthur Hull was not in a high place, but on the same level as us, and enjoyed learning and discovering together. Every time you take each piece of training out of the drawer, it gives you new discoveries.

Now, from "This may be ...", I'm thinking "Let's go with this".

Yuka Mitsumori / Hokkaido

Occupation: Welfare facility staff


~ What remains in my heart ~


Working at a general facility for children with intellectual disabilities, I came across a drum circle (hereinafter referred to as DC) while searching for activities in which each person can play a leading role, no matter how severe the disability. I felt that this might be the case, so I took intensive training in 2014 and 2015.

For the five days that passed like a rage, I felt like I just enjoyed the experience on the small island of the Seto Inland Sea, but the things I learned with my body seemed to be firmly engraved, and the drawers were opened from time to time. Every time, there are still new discoveries.

I'm sure it's easier to understand if you talk about the training content in detail, but I'm not going to write it here because it's a shame that the fun will be halved when you actually participate. What I noticed during the training, and what is still warmly lit in my heart, is "connection" and "small sounds are important sounds". Even if it's a small sound, it's always connected to somewhere in the circle, and when you take it out, it's playing very nice music, which is so moving that it brings a sigh to the whole circle. Also, the road that follows with a small sound as a clue (I'm frustrated that I can't say it concretely, but it doesn't mean a road, but broadly and broadly) is very exciting.

One of the most frequently asked questions during the five-day training was "Why do you do DC?"

It is important to learn the skills and DC as a facilitator on this question, and I always ask myself to connect with each participant, not the facilitator's selfishness.

Another thing that remains in my mind is "KISS (Keep it stupid simply)". Although it is a preparation for facilitation, this word is a very important guideline for me in my daily life and in the workplace. Even if you feel that the problem is very difficult, if you replace it with a simple one and think about it again, there are scenes where the road is opened or it is transmitted to the other party, and it seems that DC is infiltrated on a daily basis.

Initially, there was a specialized part where people with disabilities were the protagonists, but when I noticed, everyone, both people with disabilities and supporters, was the protagonist, and they were on the same level as behind the scenes that supported each other. I am. Master Arthur Hull was not in a high place, but on the same level as us, and enjoyed learning and discovering together. Every time you take each piece of training out of the drawer, it gives you new discoveries.

Now, from "This may be ...", I'm thinking "Let's go with this".

Yuka Mitsumori / Hokkaido

Occupation: Welfare facility staff


~ What remains in my heart ~

Yuka Mitsumori2

Working at a general facility for children with intellectual disabilities, I came across a drum circle (hereinafter referred to as DC) while searching for activities in which each person can play a leading role, no matter how severe the disability. I felt that this might be the case, so I took intensive training in 2014 and 2015.

For the five days that passed like a rage, I felt like I just enjoyed the experience on the small island of the Seto Inland Sea, but the things I learned with my body seemed to be firmly engraved, and the drawers were opened from time to time. Every time, there are still new discoveries.

I'm sure it's easier to understand if you talk about the training content in detail, but I'm not going to write it here because it's a shame that the fun will be halved when you actually participate. What I noticed during the training, and what is still warmly lit in my heart, is "connection" and "small sounds are important sounds". Even if it's a small sound, it's always connected to somewhere in the circle, and when you take it out, it's playing very nice music, which is so moving that it brings a sigh to the whole circle. Also, the road that follows with a small sound as a clue (I'm frustrated that I can't say it concretely, but it doesn't mean a road, but broadly and broadly) is very exciting.

One of the most frequently asked questions during the five-day training was "Why do you do DC?"

It is important to learn the skills and DC as a facilitator on this question, and I always ask myself to connect with each participant, not the facilitator's selfishness.

Another thing that remains in my mind is "KISS (Keep it stupid simply)". Although it is a preparation for facilitation, this word is a very important guideline for me in my daily life and in the workplace. Even if you feel that the problem is very difficult, if you replace it with a simple one and think about it again, there are scenes where the road is opened or it is transmitted to the other party, and it seems that DC is infiltrated on a daily basis.

Initially, there was a specialized part where people with disabilities were the protagonists, but when I noticed, everyone, both people with disabilities and supporters, was the protagonist, and they were on the same level as behind the scenes that supported each other. I am. Master Arthur Hull was not in a high place, but on the same level as us, and enjoyed learning and discovering together. Every time you take each piece of training out of the drawer, it gives you new discoveries.

Now, from "This may be ...", I'm thinking "Let's go with this".

Yuka Mitsumori / Hokkaido

Occupation: Welfare facility staff

Yuka Mitsumori
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