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Drum About Info
Community Drum Circle Tokyo / Osaka


Drum Circle Facilitation Training Related Events

Arthur Hull, who established the foundation of the modern drum circle,
and Jim Boneau, who supports VMC as his right-hand man,
will be invited to the GW Mentor & Intensive Training.
As a related event, a "Community Drum Circle" will be held in Tokyo and Osaka to connect through rhythm!

*This event is open to everyone.


Tokyo community drum circle details

Friday, April 21, 7-9pm

National Olympics Memorial Youth Center
Arts building B1F rehearsal room

About 7 minutes on foot from Sangubashi Station
​Underground parking available

Entry fee
General: 5,500 yen
Member: 5,000 yen
University student: 5,000 yen
Middle and high school students: 3,300 yen
Elementary school students: 2,200 yen
Free for preschoolers


・In case of cancellation, please be sure to contact us by email before the start time. Unauthorized absences are non-refundable for any reason.
・500 yen will be charged as a cancellation administration fee.
・Those who paid by bank transfer will be refunded to the bank account, and those who paid by PayPay will be refunded to PayPay.
・We apologize for the inconvenience, but it will take some time to process the refund.

​・The certificate of bank transfer (receipt) will be considered as a receipt.
・The event may be canceled depending on the situation such as the spread of COVID-19.

・Temperature measurement and disinfection will be done at the entrance. If you have a fever of 37.5 C or higher, you will be refused entry.
・Please use your own judgment to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask.


Osaka community drum circle details

Sunday, April 23, 2-4pm

Annex Pal Hoenzaka
Building B 5F Palestra

JR loop line "Morinomiya"10 minute walk from the station
8-minute walk from Morinomiya Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Subway Line/Chuo Line
Subway Tanimachi Line/Chuo Line "Tanimachi 4-chome"
8 minute walk from the exit
Exit 500m (elevator available)
​ Parking lot 500 yen per hour
​Bicycle parking lot 1 hour

Entry fee
General: 5,500 yen
Member: 5,000 yen
University student: 5,000 yen
Middle and high school students: 3,300 yen
Elementary school students: 2,200 yen
Free for preschoolers

感情知能 (EQ)のパワーを引き出すチームビルディングを講義とワークから学びます。
 ・EQとは何か? EQの重要性を理解する

感情知能 (EQ) は人間の生物学的本質の一部ですが、その潜在能力を十分に活用している人は多くありません。この魅力的でインタラクティブなワークショップでは、ジム・ボノウが、単なる論理を超えた貴重な洞察の源である感情知能を理解し、活用する方法を指導します。

EQ が重要な理由
感情知能は、個人と組織の両方の成功に不可欠です。人間関係の質は、論理 (頭) と感情 (心) の両方のレベルで効果的にコミュニケーションできるかどうかにかかっています。

• EQ を理解する: ジムは感情知能の生物学を詳しく調べ、脳が感情を処理する方法と、これらの反応が行動を導く方法を説明します。
• 感情を活用する: 感情反応に支配されるのではなく、感情反応を意識的かつ意図的に使用して成功を促進する方法を学びます。
• より良い人間関係を築く: EQ の原則を適用することで、他の人とつながり、決定に影響を与え、強力なコラボレーションを促進する能力を高める方法を学びます。

感情的知性は旅です。これらの洞察を得ることで、EQ の原則を適用する多くの機会が見つかり、目標に近づき、人間関係の質が向上します。



組織づくりのファシリテーターであり、企業の人材育成のプロフェッショナルとして国際的に知られている。政策を効果的に伝え、対話によって信頼を 築くスキルはドラムサークルに生かされている。 

ブルーポイント・リーダーシップ・デベロプメント副社長を務め、マイクロソフト社、ジェネラル・ エレクトリック社、メイヨー・クリニック、セールスフォース社、アメリカン・エクスプレス社などの人材育成に携わる。その後独立しランブルグループを設立し、活躍の場を世界に広げている。




ドラムサークル・ファシリテーターは「教えずして教えること(teaching without teaching)」。そして、「参加者が 『いま、ここ(in the moment)』の リズムやサウンドを楽しみながら創りだすことが できるようガイドしていくこと」。「正しく上手に 演奏すること」という制約から自由になった参加者は、リラックスしてリズムに身をまかせ、言語や 文化、障害の有無などの壁を越えることができる。

ファシリテーター:トムトム(横田友子 松山市在住)
一般社団法人VMCグローバルジャパン代表。 ドラムサークルファシリテーターを牽引する世界13か国32人の一人として日本代表認定トレーナーに選出される。名古屋音楽大学で講座を持つ他、日本各地の大学や各関連学会で講師を務め、その受講生は、大学教授、学校 教諭、医師、看護師、音楽療法士、作業療法士、介護職員、心理カウンセラー、経営コンサルタントなど 多岐にわたる。 

通訳:松井名津(元 松山大学経済学部教授)

・In case of cancellation, please be sure to contact us by email before the start time. Unauthorized absences are non-refundable for any reason.
・500 yen will be charged as a cancellation administration fee.
・Those who paid by bank transfer will be refunded to the bank account, and those who paid by PayPay will be refunded to PayPay.
・We apologize for the inconvenience, but it will take some time to process the refund.

​・The certificate of bank transfer (receipt) will be considered as a receipt.
・The event may be canceled depending on the situation such as the spread of COVID-19.

・Temperature measurement and disinfection will be done at the entrance. If you have a fever of 37.5 C or higher, you will be refused entry.
・Please use your own judgment to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask.

Osaka community drum circle details

Sunday, April 23, 2-4pm

Annex Pal Hoenzaka
Building B 5F Palestra

JR loop line "Morinomiya"10 minute walk from the station
8-minute walk from Morinomiya Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Subway Line/Chuo Line
Subway Tanimachi Line/Chuo Line "Tanimachi 4-chome"
8 minute walk from the exit
Exit 500m (elevator available)
​ Parking lot 500 yen per hour
​Bicycle parking lot 1 hour

Entry fee
General: 5,500 yen
Member: 5,000 yen
University student: 5,000 yen
Middle and high school students: 3,300 yen
Elementary school students: 2,200 yen
Free for preschoolers

・In case of cancellation, please be sure to contact us by email before the start time. Unauthorized absences are non-refundable for any reason.
・500 yen will be charged as a cancellation administration fee.
・Those who paid by bank transfer will be refunded to the bank account, and those who paid by PayPay will be refunded to PayPay.
・We apologize for the inconvenience, but it will take some time to process the refund.

​・The certificate of bank transfer (receipt) will be considered as a receipt.
・The event may be canceled depending on the situation such as the spread of COVID-19.

・Temperature measurement and disinfection will be done at the entrance. If you have a fever of 37.5 C or higher, you will be refused entry.
・Please use your own judgment to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask.


Osaka community drum circle details

Sunday, April 23, 2-4pm

Annex Pal Hoenzaka
Building B 5F Palestra

JR loop line "Morinomiya"10 minute walk from the station
8-minute walk from Morinomiya Station on the Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Subway Line/Chuo Line
Subway Tanimachi Line/Chuo Line "Tanimachi 4-chome"
8 minute walk from the exit
Exit 500m (elevator available)
​ Parking lot 500 yen per hour
​Bicycle parking lot 1 hour

Entry fee
General: 5,500 yen
Member: 5,000 yen
University student: 5,000 yen
Middle and high school students: 3,300 yen
Elementary school students: 2,200 yen
Free for preschoolers

・In case of cancellation, please be sure to contact us by email before the start time. Unauthorized absences are non-refundable for any reason.
・500 yen will be charged as a cancellation administration fee.
・Those who paid by bank transfer will be refunded to the bank account, and those who paid by PayPay will be refunded to PayPay.
・We apologize for the inconvenience, but it will take some time to process the refund.

​・The certificate of bank transfer (receipt) will be considered as a receipt.
・The event may be canceled depending on the situation such as the spread of COVID-19.

・Temperature measurement and disinfection will be done at the entrance. If you have a fever of 37.5 C or higher, you will be refused entry.
・Please use your own judgment to prevent infection, such as wearing a mask.

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